11 June 2015
The recently launched Roy Hill Community Foundation has committed more than $10 million to focus on delivering Education, Training and Employment, Community Development, Business Development and Culture and Arts programs to the Pilbara region.
Roy Hill, project contractors and business partners have committed more than $10 million in cash to the Roy Hill Community Foundation, which was launched today by The Hon. Bill Marmion, Minister Finance, Mines & Petroleum and Barry Fitzgerald, Roy Hill Chief Executive Officer.
According to Mr Fitzgerald, the Roy Hill Community Foundation is a unique approach to delivering programs and initiatives which result in enduring benefits to local communities.
“This Foundation brings together the skills and resources of companies for the benefit of the community. The Foundation’s partners are driven by a belief that more effective outcomes are achieved through a collaborative and integrated approach. It is a vehicle for companies to join forces to address community issues deemed too hard to tackle on our own,” said Mr Fitzgerald.
“With a downturn in the resources sector, we are well aware of concerns within communities of the potential loss of support from companies for community programs. By bringing together companies, we can pool resources and financial investments to ensure continued support to communities. In addition to the $10 million cash commitment to the Foundation, contractors and business partners have also provided substantial in-kind support.”
Established as a not-for-profit trust, the Roy Hill Community Foundation will focus on delivering Education, Training and Employment, Community Development, Business Development and Culture and Arts programs to local communities.
To read the Roy Hill Community Foundation brochure, click: Roy Hill Community Foundation Brochure
See photos from the launch below.