14 November 2023.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

4 October 2023.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

21 September 2023.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

14 September 2023.

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Critical moment in the region’s history

Western Australia’s Kimberley is regional Australia at its most extreme, whether it is in scale, beauty, challenges or opportunity. And it is a region at a crucial moment in its history. When record-breaking floodwaters swept through much of the region earlier this year, following well-publicised social unrest and crime last year, the region’s immediate prospects looked difficult. Yet it is a region that has continued to capture imaginations, with the area now emerging as a prospective new renewable energy hotspot and drawing a new generation of investment that could take it closer to finally capitalising on its potential.

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How one family helped to shape WA | The untold history of Western Australia

The modern history of the Hancocks is well known but earlier generations also had a big impact on our State’s development It is quite a picture. The striking white horses kick up dust as they work in unison to pull the coach through the WA outback. Five men sit atop the coach and a lone rider keeps pace alongside. The photo presents a fascinating reminder of how once supplies, mail and people were carried across vast stretches of WA.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

June, 2023.

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Regions play to resources’ strengths

WHEN Prime Minister Anthony Albanese took his full ministry to Port Hedland in February, the focus was on the importance of the resources sector. It was an opportunity for Mr Albanese and his east coast colleagues to see first-hand the enormous scale of iron ore export operations from the port. Port Hedland Mayor Peter Carter had a more complex agenda. “We have always maintained that Port Hedland is an economic powerhouse for our nation, but we also face numerous challenges as we try to prosper as a community,” Mr Carter said. Mr Carter welcomed the prime minister’s announcement that $565 million would be invested into Pilbara ports but said this needed to be supported by investment in social infrastructure. “The state and nation need a thriving port to drive our economy, but the port also needs a thriving Hedland to succeed,” Mr Carter said.

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News Australians are ready, willing, and able to work – let them!

Currently, only 3 per cent of pensioners work in Australia, compared to 25 per cent in New Zealand. This is not because pensioners in Australia do not want to work. Research has shown that around one in five want to work, but do not, because of unfair tax and red tape barriers.The solution is to follow New Zealand’s approach by removing all red tape on pensioners, students, and veterans. This would mean that these Australians could earn as much income as they would want, without losing their pension payments or welfare benefits. Of course, they would still pay income tax like every other Australian worker. Removing all red-tape and barriers for Australian pensioners, veterans, and students to get back into the workforce, without suffering significant financial penalties, is a simple and effective policy measure that is good for them and good for our nation. More Australians working means higher government revenue through income tax, GST, and payroll tax, which can be reinvested into infrastructure and used to pay down our debt.

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FIKILE MAJOLA: New approach to development of special economic zones

The literature is replete with case studies that illuminate how special economic zones (SEZs) have been instrumental in catalysing industrial development. It also holds great appeal in a country’s quest to crowd-in private sector investment through both domestic and foreign direct investment flows. SEZs have become an important policy tool of choice for governments seeking to accelerate industrialisation, development and growth.

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