STZA hopes for incentives from new government

The visiting delegates were briefed about Special Technology Zones being developed by STZA across Pakistan and the special fiscal and monetary incentives, including but not limited to 10-year tax and duty holiday, and support being offered to domestic and foreign tech companies in the Special Tech Zones. “If companies such as Google enter Pakistan with a range of products, then startups would take further boost in the country. Moreover, jobs would also be created,” Hashmi added.

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An Insight Into SEZs

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were established in many countries as testing grounds for the implementation of liberal market economy principles. While viewed as economic policy tools for enhancing the acceptability and credibility of industrial transformation policies, attracting domestic and foreign investment and also for the opening up of the economy, SEZs also seek to promote the value addition component in exports, generate employment, encourage import substitution as well as mobilise foreign exchange in the countries for Balance of Payments support.

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UAE Corporate Tax law will continue incentives for free zone based entities

The UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF) has released a public consultation document inviting comments from stakeholders on the proposed legislation. A progressive step by the Ministry, which provides an opportunity for businesses to play a key role in formulating the UAE Corporate Tax law.

While there is no tax on individual income, income from activities carried out by individuals through a commercial license would attract the tax. Further, federal and emirate governments, their departments, and companies carrying out sovereign activities, companies engaged in the extraction of natural resources, charities, pension funds, investment funds (subject to conditions) would be exempt.

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Positive factors powering gas’ price rise

Australian gas prices, especially along the eastern seaboard, have also been trending up and look like rising further as demand outstrips supply, which is why Gina Rinehart, one of Australia’s richest people dived into the gas market last year as a partner with Korea’s steel giant Posco in the takeover of Queensland gas producer Senex Energy. Rinehart’s move on Senex was well timed with oil trading around US$70 a barrel when it was first reported to US$105/bbl today.

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World Free Zones Organization News

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World Free Zones Organization News

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World Free Zones Organization January 2022 Newsletter

Link to current Newsletter.

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World Free Zones Organization November 2021 newsletter

The World Free Zones Organization (World FZO) is a global not-for-profit organization that provides one authoritative, collective voice representing the interests of free zones around the world. The World FZO was launched in Dubai, UAE, in May 2014, by its 14 founding members and under the auspices of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai. Registered in Geneva and headquartered in Dubai, the World FZO is the only truly international, multi-lateral organization for zones in the world today.

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Australian resources and energy keep export dollars flowing

“These latest quarterly figures show Australia’s resources are the gifts that keep on giving,” Minister Pitt said. “Our resources exports continue to bring hundreds of billions of dollars into the country and keep thousands of Australians in high-value, high-skilled jobs – particularly in regional Australia. “Just as iron ore’s incredibly strong run cools, soaring demand for our coal and liquefied natural gas is fuelling a surge in export revenues.

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Mohammed bin Rashid issues Law creating Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority

The establishment of the Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority is a vital move to enhance Dubai’s global competitiveness and raise its investment attractiveness. The private sector is a major partner in our development journey over the next 50 years and the government continues to explore innovative initiatives to support their growth and success. Our objective is to make Dubai the destination of choice for global investors and a major focal point for global commerce.

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