Vale and Asian miner seek Brazil nod to fast-track mine project

Mining giant Vale SA and an Asian-owned metals producer are among the first to tap a Brazilian program that aims to cut red tape and speed up mining projects in the South American nation.

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How Special Economic Zones are Reshaping the World Economy

SEZs are business parks granted legal autonomy to improve their governance. Companies operating within SEZs enjoy unique tax breaks, streamlined government regulations, special VISA rights and different labor laws. This enables businesses to operate in emerging markets without the usual problems that businesses in the developed world face. SEZs have also rehabilitated traditionally bad investment destinations, creating bastions of economic growth in unlikely locations. The most well-known case studies of this come from China.

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‘Payroll tax squeezes the life out of sector’

On a federal level Mr Tan said that Treasurer Josh Fydenberg needed to engage with the sector and be guided by them on policy. “Let us show you where the opportunities are and how policy can really help the sector but also very much harm the sector and let us give you some ideas that can help the sector and the economy and the country all at the same time,” he said. “We are trying to solve big problems and sometimes the rules aren’t very clear about what you can and can’t do.”

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Brickworks slams IMF carbon tax

“(Australian governments) are into the rule book to try and find out how they can stop you doing what you want to do, or try and delay you, whereas in America, representatives of the governor will come and see you and ask you how they can help,” he explained.
“We need to be prepared to relax the regulations so companies can function. It’s just too onerous at the moment, and very difficult for companies to invest in Australia,” he added.

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Preferential Zones and Investment Hubs in China’s Greater Bay Area

The GBA Outline Development Plan emphasizes the need to continue to build a first-class business environment which is stable, fair, transparent, and predictable. The challenge is not only to encourage advancements to the business environment, but also to coordinate these efforts between three different legal systems, economic structures, and currencies.

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Rural communities bedrock of recovery

The resilience of regional and rural communities is the hallmark of the Australian spirit and the bedrock on which our economic recovery is being built. More than 9.5 million Australians call regional Australia home. And when we look at what has helped drive our bounce back it is the resources sector, the agricultural sector and tourism in regional and rural Australia.

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In pride of place as a key strategic ally

It was revealed recently that when Washington first discussed the marine rotation in northern Australia, it proposed an annual rotation of 5000 marines; in effect, a Marine Amphibious Task Group. Instead, Australia began with extreme caution at a couple of hundred marines, building up slowly to 2000 a year.
Yet such US deployments make a huge, positive contribution to our own security.

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Pilbara iron ore powering Australia’s economy

Iron ore is Australia’s single largest commodity export and is forecast to earn Australia around A$700 billion over the six years to 2025-26. Iron ore supports 45,600 direct Australian jobs and is a major employer of Indigenous Australians.

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New figures show mining sector powering the economy

“These changes will transform the NAIF to make it a more proactive investor in projects that will generate economic activity and job creation,”

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Focus on critical minerals in northern Australia to increase

“Putting Team Australia on the global critical minerals map will help attract the investment and technology necessary to meet the growing needs of global supply chains for critical and other minerals for high value products like batteries, solar cells and other innovative and early-stage technologies,” the MCA stated in March.

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