Photograph of the Global Strategic Thinker Award presented to Mrs Rinehart.
18 November 2013
ANDEV chair awarded global strategic thinker 2013 award at Mining technology and operations summit 18 November 2013 by Marcus Evans. Acceptance speech by ANDEV co chair Imants Kins who chaired the two day summit and was a key note speaker.
Acceptance of Global Strategic Thinker 2013 Award
Mrs. Gina Rinehart sends her sincere apologies for not being able to attend to accept this award. It was just not possible due to her commitments.
You have all no doubt read much in the media about Mrs. Rinehart. In accepting this award on her behalf, let me provide some background on why Mrs. Rinehart is such a deserving winner of this prestigious Global Strategic Thinker 2013 Award.
In 1992 Mrs. Rinehart took over the reins of Hancock Prospecting – at that time, while holding certain iron ore tenements in the Pilbara, it was in a serious financial crisis. Through her strategic thinking, passion, commitment and sheer hard work HP has been built up into one of the most thriving and large-scale mining operations in the world. The entire time HP has been kept as a private company.
To be able to plan and develop three tier 1 projects in parallel with a very small executive team is impressive – in iron ore and coal: Hope Downs iron ore JV with Rio Tinto, $10 billion Roy Hill iron ore, coal JV with GVK in Queensland. On her GVK JV, Mrs. Rinehart sold a substantial interest in this project at a time of higher coal prices and was criticized for selling too early and too low. Then not long after the market turned down significantly.
Mrs. Rinehart supports Greenfield exploration in Australia and has put together a private company called Jacaranda (a good Australian name – flying over most Australian cities you see one of these trees in most backyards), comprising an experienced team of retired mining guys to explore Australia.
All projects are in her beloved Australia – Mrs. Rinehart is a true blue Australian and speaks regularly in support of pro-market and pro-competition policies that will allow in particular Australian projects to become more competitive with overseas projects.
Mrs. Rinehart cares very much about Australia and its long term future – that is the driving reason for setting up ANDEV and the National Mining Day, which is to be launched in Brisbane on 22 November by Mrs. Rinehart and the Federal Minister for Resources. I am on the National Mining Day committee. Mrs. Rinehart is also an ambassador for the Northern Territory.
Mrs. Rinehart supports good causes like breast cancer research, and has for many years now funded an amazing home for girls that are rescued from sexual slavery in Cambodia. I met two of these girls who were rescued as children and brought to the sanctuary of the home. These young women are now attending university as part of the home’s program.
Mrs. Rinehart asked me to pass on her sincere thank you for this prestigious award that she will cherish. Also Mrs. Rinehart wishes you all a very engaging and successful Summit, and is sure strategies will be enhanced across many companies after this Summit.