Media release – New History Series Reveals Government Policy on Northern Australia

New History Series Reveals Government Policy on Northern Australia


Australians for Northern Development & Economic Vision (ANDEV) is pleased to announce the beginning of the publication of a series of articles on  the history of government policy in the development of northern Australia. This compliments the series it is already publishing on the role of Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s) as catalysts for improving living standards. The first of these articles can be viewed on the ANDEV website.

The history of policies to develop northern Australia will be posted on the ANDEV website over the coming weeks and months, using a decade-by-decade approach. ANDEV is a citizen group founded in 2010 and chaired by Mrs. Gina Rinehart. It is co-chaired by Imants Kins, and has an ANDEV executive body, all assisting ANDEV on an honorary basis.

The first article in the series focuses on the 1940’s governments of John Curtin and Ben Chifley, examining the effect WWII and national security concerns had on northern development. The article can be read here.

For further information:
Imants Kins
ANDEV co-chair
 08 9429 8390 Fax: 08 9429 8391
[email protected]

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