23 June 2015
Mrs. Gina Rinehart
Mr Prime Minister, distinguished guests, friends.
Namaste. What a wonderful and humbling honour it is to be with you today.
Less than twelve months ago, when I first read of your policy “From Red Tape to Red Carpet”, I was very excited, but had no inkling that one day I would be standing before you, at your home, launching my second book, written in honour of such a great gentleman who has a message I truly believe the world needs to understand.
And in such astute words, you have summed up what drives economies and living standards all over the world. Put simply – to encourage investment, create employment, generate wealth, elevate living standards and enjoy freedom.
And 5,500 miles away in Australia, this vision is also necessary.
To read Mrs. Rinehart’s full address, click: New_Delhi_Speech